Lessons learned about exception handling and logging

Exception handling and logging is essential part of any site. Your site will eventually run into problems, and as a developer it’s your job to make sure that you have enough – or at least helpful – information to look into problems. From my years of diagnosing and root cause analysis, these are the most common problems about exception handling and logging. You (or any developers that come after you) can thank yourself later.

Empty try catch is almost always bad

In my early days of professional programming, I saw a colleague – several years senior to me, fortunately, not at Episerver – write a lot of this code, basically in each and every method:

try { 

//do stuffs


catch {}

You surely don’t want to show a YSOD screen to your visitors, but keep this in mind – this is almost always bad. You are trying to hide errors, and even worse, trying to swallow it. This should be a red flag for any code review.

There are cases when you truly, really want to swallow an exception. It’s rare, but it’s a reality. In such case, make sure to explain why you have an empty catch in comments.

Don’t catch exception only to throw it

Does this look familiar to you, if yes, then your code base have a problem (or actually, two)

//do stuffs
catch {Exception ex}
throw ex;

But why?

  • It is wasting a try catch doing nothing of value. Log in, wrap it in a different type of exception (with probably more information, not just rethrow the exception
  • throw ex; actually reset the stacktrace. If you simply want to rethrow the exception (after doing meaningful stuffs with it), use throw; instead. That will preserve the precious stacktrace for exception handling at higher level.

Logging only the message is a crime

Someday, you will find an entry in your log looks like this

Object reference not set to an instance of an object.

And that’s it. This is even worse than no message – you know something is wrong, but you don’t know why, or how to fix it. It’s important to always log the full stacktrace of the exception, instead of just the message, unless you have a very good reason (I can’t think of one, can you?) not to.

Verbose is better than concise

This is an extension of the above lesson. You are already logging the entire stacktrace, but is your exception message helpful? One example is this

[InvalidOperationException: There is already a content type registered with name: PdfFile]
   EPiServer.DataAbstraction.Internal.DefaultContentTypeRepository.ValidateUniqueness(ContentType contentType) +222

Which other type was registered with same name? Is it a built-in (i.e. system) type, or a type from a 3rd party library, or a type that you added but forgot yourself?

In this case, a much better exception message would be:

There are two or more content types registered with name PdfFile


Exception message is not only showing an error/unwanted situation has happened, but it needs to be helpful as well. When you log a message, you should try to add as much information as you can so the ones who will be looking into the issue can make a good guess of what is wrong, and how to fix it. There is virtually no limit on how verbose you can be, so feel free to add as much information as you need (I’m not asking you to add the entire “War and Peace” novel here, of course). You can thank me later.

Don’t share HttpContext between threads

HttpContext is not designed to be thread-safe, which means you can run into nasty things if you share a HttpContext between thread. For example, this is one of the things that can happen: One (or more) thread is stuck in this:

mscorlib_ni!System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary`2[[System.__Canon, mscorlib],[System.__Canon, mscorlib]].FindEntry(System.__Canon)+ed
EPiServer.Core.Internal.ProjectPipeline.Pipe(EPiServer.Core.ContentReference, System.Globalization.CultureInfo, EPiServer.Core.LoaderOptions)+1c
EPiServer.Core.Internal.ProviderPipelineImplementation.GetItem(EPiServer.Core.ContentProvider, EPiServer.Core.ContentReference, EPiServer.Core.LoaderOptions)+109
EPiServer.Core.Internal.DefaultContentLoader.TryGet[[System.__Canon, mscorlib]](EPiServer.Core.ContentReference, EPiServer.Core.LoaderOptions, System.__Canon ByRef)+11e
EPiServer.Core.Internal.DefaultContentLoader.Get[[System.__Canon, mscorlib]](EPiServer.Core.ContentReference, EPiServer.Core.LoaderOptions)+63

If you don’t know why this is scary, this is any infinite loop, meaning your CPU will be spent 100% in to this Dictionary.FindEntry, unable to do anything else. The only way to solve this problem is to restart the instance.

That is caused by unsafe accessing of a Dictionary – if you have a thread that is enumerating it, and another thread trying to write to it, it is possible to run into a dead end like this.

And HttpContext just happens to have many Dictionary properties and sub-properties. HttpContext.Request.RequestContext.RouteData.DataTokens is one of them (And a reason the code above ended in a disaster), making it vulnerable for this kind of problem. Which is exactly why it is not recommended to share a HttpContext between threads.

Sometimes, you can just set HttpContext.Current to null. Sometimes, you need to take a step back and ask yourself that do you really need to run things in parallel?