AsyncHelper can be considered harmful

.NET developers have been in the transition to move from synchronous APIs to asynchronous API. That was boosted a lot by await/async keyword of C# 5.0, but we are now in a dangerous middle ground: there are as many synchronous APIs as there are async ones. The mix of them requires the ability to call async APIs from a synchronous context, and vice versa. Calling synchronous APIs from an async context is simple – you can fire up a task and let it does the work. Calling async APIs from a sync context is much more complicated. And that is where AsyncHelper comes to the play.

AsyncHelper is a common thing used to run async code in a synchronous context. It is simple helper class with two methods to run async APIs

        public static TResult RunSync<TResult>(Func<Task<TResult>> func)
            var cultureUi = CultureInfo.CurrentUICulture;
            var culture = CultureInfo.CurrentCulture;
            return _myTaskFactory.StartNew(() =>
                Thread.CurrentThread.CurrentCulture = culture;
                Thread.CurrentThread.CurrentUICulture = cultureUi;
                return func();

        public static void RunSync(Func<Task> func)
            var cultureUi = CultureInfo.CurrentUICulture;
            var culture = CultureInfo.CurrentCulture;
            _myTaskFactory.StartNew(() =>
                Thread.CurrentThread.CurrentCulture = culture;
                Thread.CurrentThread.CurrentUICulture = cultureUi;
                return func();

There are slight variants of it, with and without setting the CurrentCulture and CurrentUICulture, but the main part is still spawning a new Task to run the async task, then blocks and gets the result using Unwrap().GetAwaiter().GetResult();

One of the reason it was so popular was people think it was written by Microsoft so it must be safe to use, but it is actually not true: the class is introduced as an internal class by AspNetIdentity AspNetIdentity/src/Microsoft.AspNet.Identity.Core/AsyncHelper.cs at main · aspnet/AspNetIdentity ( .That means Microsoft teams can use it when they think it’s the right choice to do, it’s not the default recommendation to run async tasks in a synchronous context.

Unfortunately I’ve seen a fair share of threads stuck in AsyncHelper.RunSync stacktrace, likely have fallen victims of a deadlock situation.

    756A477F9790	    75ABD117CF16	[HelperMethodFrame_1OBJ] (System.Threading.Monitor.ObjWait)
    756A477F98C0	    75AB62F11BF9	System.Threading.ManualResetEventSlim.Wait(Int32, System.Threading.CancellationToken)
    756A477F9970	    75AB671E0529	System.Threading.Tasks.Task.SpinThenBlockingWait(Int32, System.Threading.CancellationToken)
    756A477F99D0	    75AB671E0060	System.Threading.Tasks.Task.InternalWaitCore(Int32, System.Threading.CancellationToken)
    756A477F9A40	    75AB676068B8	System.Runtime.CompilerServices.TaskAwaiter.HandleNonSuccessAndDebuggerNotification(System.Threading.Tasks.Task, System.Threading.Tasks.ConfigureAwaitOptions)
    756A477F9A60	    75AB661E4FE7	System.Runtime.CompilerServices.TaskAwaiter`1[[System.__Canon, System.Private.CoreLib]].GetResult()

An further explanation of why this is bad can be read here

c# – Is Task.Result the same as .GetAwaiter.GetResult()? – Stack Overflow

Async/sync is a complex topic and even experienced developers make mistake. There is no simple way to just run async code in a sync context. AsyncHelper is absolutely not. It is simple, convenient way, but does not guarantee to be correct thing in your use case. I see it as a shortcut to solve some problems but create bigger ones down the path.

Just because you can. doesn’t mean you should. That applies to AsyncHelper perfectly

Performance optimization – the hardcore series – part 1

Hi again every body. New day – new thing to write about. today we will talk about memory allocation, and effect it has on your website performance. With .NET, memory allocations are usually overlooked because CLR handles that for you. Except in rare cases that you need to handle unmanaged resources, that you have to be conscious about releasing that said resources yourself, it’s usually fire and forget approach.

Truth is, it is more complicated than that. The more objects you created, the more memory you need, and the more time CLR needs to clean it up after you. When you might have written code that is executed blazing fast in your benchmarks, in reality, your website might still struggle to perform well in long run – and that’s because of Garbage collection. Occasional GC is not of a concern – because it’s nature of .NET CLR, but frequent GC, especially Gen 2 GC, is definitely something you should look into and should fix, because it natively affects your website performance.

The follow up question – how do you fix that.

Of course, the first step is always measuring the memory allocations of your app. Locally you can use something like Jetbrains dotMemory to profile your website, but that has a big caveat – you can’t really mimic the actual traffic to your website. Sure, it is very helpful to profile something like a scheduled job, but it is less than optimal to see how your website performs in reality. To do that, we need another tool, and I’ve found nothing better than Application Insights Profiler trace on Azure. It will sample your website periodically, taking ETL ( event trace log) files in 220 seconds (Note, depends on your .NET version, you might download a .diagsession or a file from Application Insights, but they are essentially the same inside (zipped .ETL)). Those files are extremely informative, they contains whole load of information which might be overwhelming if you’re new, but take small steps, you’ll be there.

To open a ETL file, common tool is Perfview (microsoft/perfview: PerfView is a CPU and memory performance-analysis tool ( Yes it has certain 2000 look like other analysis tool (remember Windbg), but it is fast, efficient, and gets the job done

Note that once extracted ETL can be very big – in 1GB or more range often. Perfview has to go through all that event log so it’s extremely memory hungry as well, especially if you open multiple ETL files at once. My perfview kept crashing when I had a 16GB RAM machine (I had several Visual Studio instances open), and that was solved when I switched to 32GB RAM

The first step is to confirm the allocation problems with GCStats (this is one of the extreme ones, but it does happen)

Two main things to look into – Total Allocs, i.e. the total size of objects allocated, and then the time spent in Garbage collection. They are naturally closely related, but not always. Total allocation might not be high but time for GC might be – in case of large objects allocation (we will talk about it in a later post). Then for the purpose of memory allocation analysis, this is where you should look at

What you find in there, might surprise you. And that’s the purpose of this series, point out possible unexpected allocations that are easy – or fairly easy – to fix.

In this first post, we will talk about a somewhat popular feature – Injected<T>.

We all know that in Optimizely Content/Commerce, the preferred way of dependency injection is constructor injection. I.e. if your class has a dependency on a certain type, that dependency should be declared as a parameter of the constructor. That’s nice and all, but not always possible. For example you might have a static class (used for extension methods) so no constructor is available. Or in some rare cases, that you can’t added a new parameter to the constructor because it is a breaking change.

Adding Injected<T> as a hidden dependency in your class is at least working, so can you forget about it?

Not quite!

This is how the uses of Injected<T> result in allocation of Structuremap objects – yes every time you call Injected<T>.Service the whole dependency tree must be built again.

And that’s not everything, during that process, other objects need to be created as well. You can right click on a path and select “Include item”. The allocations below are for anything that were created by `module episerver.framework episerver.framework!EPiServer.ServiceLocation.Injected1[System.__Canon].get_Service() i.e. all object allocations, related to Injected<T>

You can expand further to see what Injected<T>(s) have the most allocations, and therefore, are the ones should be fixed.

How can one fix a Injected<T> then? The best fix is to make it constructor dependency, but that might not always be possible. Alternative fix is to use ServiceLocator.GetInstance, but to make that variable static if possible. That way you won’t have to call Injected<T>.Service every time you need the instance.

There are cases that you indeed need a new instance every time, then the fix might be more complicated, and you might want to check if you need the whole dependency tree, or just a data object.

Moral of the story

  • Performance can’t be guessed, it must be measured
  • Injected<T> is not your good friend. You can use it if you have no other choice, but definitely avoid it in hot paths.

A curious case of cookie threading issue

Threading is hard. It’s hard to get right. It’s hard to avoid race condition. Even with experienced developers, it’s not always a given (trust me, I’ve been there).

This time, the problem comes from a report that a customer constantly has high CPU situation, on all instances. Memory dumps were taken and I was able to take a look. As always, high CPU can be result of several causes, most likely thread deadlocks. For educational purposes, let’s take this memory dump step by step.

First steps are as with routine Windbg – open it. use Ctrl + D to start debugging a memory dump, then you would need to run .loadby sos clr to load the clr runtime

If you are debugging a memory dump that is captured on Azure, .loadby sos clr will not work with this error (if your Windows is installed to C:\ drive)

0:000> .loadby sos clr
The call to LoadLibrary(D:\Windows\Microsoft.NET\Framework64\v4.0.30319\sos.dll) failed, Win32 error 0n126
    "The specified module could not be found."
Please check your debugger configuration and/or network access.

Simply fix it by copy the path to sos.dll, replacing D with C, and rerun

.load C:\Windows\Microsoft.NET\Framework64\v4.0.30319\sos.dll

That should fix it.

Next step would be checking the CPU situation by .threadpool command

0:000> !threadpool
CPU utilization: 98%
Worker Thread: Total: 160 Running: 6 Idle: 134 MaxLimit: 32767 MinLimit: 140
Work Request in Queue: 0
Number of Timers: 2
Completion Port Thread:Total: 6 Free: 4 MaxFree: 8 CurrentLimit: 6 MaxLimit: 1000 MinLimit: 4

This confirms a high CPU situation. It’s however worth noting this CPU is for the entire instance, not necessarily for the process (w3wp) only, but it’s highly likely for an Azure App Service instance that the w3wp is the problem here.

The next step would be checking if there is any long running thread

0:000> !runaway
 User Mode Time
  Thread       Time
   39:1e34     2 days 11:44:59.546
   40:219c     2 days 8:08:56.765
   41:2198     1 days 4:53:46.687
   17:1480     0 days 0:19:38.171
   20:1334     0 days 0:14:57.718
   18:1798     0 days 0:12:53.625
   19:12f8     0 days 0:12:05.015
   31:a9c      0 days 0:03:39.093
   27:1494     0 days 0:01:35.406
   36:1e14     0 days 0:01:28.890
    5:1124     0 days 0:00:38.578
    6:1560     0 days 0:00:37.218
    3:ff8      0 days 0:00:34.984

Normally, the first few threads in the list are not that interesting, they are usually just timers that run from the application start up. But let’s leave no stone unturned, shall we? Let’s switch to the longest running thread

0:000> ~39s
00007ff9`297d9f59 458bf7          mov     r14d,r15d

Hmm, it does not look like a listener. Let’s see what it actually is with !clrstack

0:039> !clrstack
OS Thread Id: 0x1e34 (39)
        Child SP               IP Call Site
000000740273cff0 00007ff9297d9f59 System.Collections.Generic.HashSet`1[[System.__Canon, mscorlib]].Remove(System.__Canon)
000000740273d080 00007ff92a8eb4e3 System.Web.HttpCookieCollection.Get(System.String)
000000740273d0c0 00007ff9314de98d Abck.Web.Features.User.UserContext.get_CountryCurrency()
000000740273d100 00007ff93154367e Abck.Web.Features.Cart.Services.CountryCurrencyService.GetCountrySettingThreeAlpha(Abck.Web.Features.User.UserContext)
000000740273d140 00007ff93153b6dd Abck.Web.Features.Product.ViewModels.Builders.CoreProductViewModelBuilder+d__29.MoveNext()
000000740273d1f0 00007ff93153b54a System.Runtime.CompilerServices.AsyncTaskMethodBuilder`1[[System.__Canon, mscorlib]].Start[[Abck.Web.Features.Product.ViewModels.Builders.CoreProductViewModelBuilder+d__29, Abck.Web]](d__29 ByRef)
000000740273d2a0 00007ff93153b492 Abck.Web.Features.Product.ViewModels.Builders.CoreProductViewModelBuilder.GetProductPriceViewModel(System.String, Abck.Web.Features.User.UserContext)

That looks interesting. If we move to the second longest running thread, it looks oddly familiar

0:040> !clrstack
OS Thread Id: 0x219c (40)
        Child SP               IP Call Site
00000074be23d060 00007ff926c82f2e System.Collections.Generic.HashSet`1[[System.__Canon, mscorlib]].Contains(System.__Canon)
00000074be23d0d0 00007ff9307aebcd System.Web.HttpCookieCollection.EnsureKeyValidated(System.String, System.String)
00000074be23d110 00007ff92a8eb4e3 System.Web.HttpCookieCollection.Get(System.String)
00000074be23d150 00007ff9314de98d Abck.Web.Features.User.UserContext.get_CountryCurrency()
00000074be23d190 00007ff93154367e Abck.Web.Features.Cart.Services.CountryCurrencyService.GetCountrySettingThreeAlpha(Abck.Web.Features.User.UserContext)
00000074be23d1d0 00007ff93153b6dd Abck.Web.Features.Product.ViewModels.Builders.CoreProductViewModelBuilder+d__29.MoveNext()

And the third longest running thread

0:041> !clrstack
OS Thread Id: 0x2198 (41)
        Child SP               IP Call Site
00000078597bd8d0 00007ff9297d9f59 System.Collections.Generic.HashSet`1[[System.__Canon, mscorlib]].Remove(System.__Canon)
00000078597bd960 00007ff92a8eb4e3 System.Web.HttpCookieCollection.Get(System.String)
00000078597bd9a0 00007ff9314de98d Abck.Web.Features.User.UserContext.get_CountryCurrency()
00000078597bd9e0 00007ff93154367e Abck.Web.Features.Cart.Services.CountryCurrencyService.GetCountrySettingThreeAlpha(Abck.Web.Features.User.UserContext)
00000078597bda20 00007ff93153b6dd Abck.Web.Features.Product.ViewModels.Builders.CoreProductViewModelBuilder+d__29.MoveNext()
00000078597bdad0 00007ff93153b54a System.Runtime.CompilerServices.AsyncTaskMethodBuilder`1[[System.__Canon, mscorlib]].Start[[Abck.Web.Features.Product.ViewModels.Builders.CoreProductViewModelBuilder+d__29, Abck.Web]](d__29 ByRef)

Any guess on what happened?

It looks like what we have a clear case of infinite loop. There were multiple threads trying to get the same cookie, and under the neath, the HttpCookieCollection.Get is not threadsafe, it tries to access an underlying HashSet<T> without properly locks. While one thread tried to remove items from the hashset, another tried to read it, and messed up the internal hash table. All three threads are then doomed in infinite loops, keep running and use up all CPU resources.

The fix in this case would be as simple as a lock around the code to get the CountryCurrency, but it’s best to be careful. Again, when fixing the problem of lack of lock, it’s easy to run into the problem of too much of lock.

Potential performance issue with Maxmind.db

From time to time, I have to dig into some customers’ profiler traces to figure out why their site is slow (yeah, if you follow me, you’d know that’s kind of my main job). There are multiple issues that can eat your website performance for breakfast, from loading too much content, to unmaintained database indexes. While my blog does not cover everything, I think you can get a good grasp of what mistakes to avoid.

But sometimes the problem might come from a 3rd party library/framework. It’s not new, as we have seen it with A curious case of memory dump diagnostic: How Stackify can cause troubles to your site – Quan Mai’s blog ( The problem with those types of issues is that they are usually overlooked.

The library we’ll be investigating today would be Maxmind.db. To be honest, I’ve never used it my own, but it seems to be a very popular choice to geography-map the visitors. It’s usually used by Optimizely sites for that purpose, using VisitorGroup (which is why it came under my radar).

For several sites that use it, it seems more often than not stuck in this stack

It’s essentially to think that CreateActivator is doing something heavy here (evidently with the LambdaCompiler.Compile part. A peek from decompiling actually shows that yes, it’s heavy. I’m not quite sure I can post the decompiled code here without violating any agreement (I did, in fact, accepted no agreement at this point), but it’s quite straightforward code: TypeActivatorCreator uses reflection to get the constructors of the Type passed to it, to sees if there is any constructor decorated with MaxMind.Db.Constructor attribute, then prepares some parameters, and creates an LambdaExpression that would create an instance of that Type, using found constructor (which is a good thing because a compiled expression would perform much better than just a reflection call).

(I’m using Mindmax.db 2.0.0, for the record)

The code is straightforward, but it is also slow – as any code which involves reflection and lambda compilation would be. The essential step would be to cache any result of this. This is actually a very good place to cache. The number of types are fixed during runtime (except for very edge cases where you dynamically create new types), so you won’t have to worry about cache invalidation. The cache would significantly improve the performance of above code.

And in TypeActivatorCreator there is a cache for it. It is a simple ConcurrentDictionary<Type, TypeActivator> , which would return an TypeActivator if the Type was requested before, or create one and cache it, it it hasn’t been. As I said, this is a very good place to add cache to this.

There is a cache for that, which is good. However, the very important tidbit here is that the dictionary is not static. That means, the cache only works, if the class is registered as Singleton (by itself, or by another class down the dependency chain), meaning, only one of the instance is created and shared between thread (which is why the ConcurrentDictionary part is important).

But except it’s not.

When I look at a memory dump that collected for a customer that is using Maxmind.db, this is what I got:

0:000> !dumpheap -stat -type TypeAcivatorCreator
MT Count TotalSize Class Name
00007ffa920f67e0 1 24 MaxMind.Db.TypeAcivatorCreator+<>c
00007ffa920f6500 147 3528 MaxMind.Db.TypeAcivatorCreator
Total 148 objects

So there were 147 instances of TypeAcivatorCreator. Note that this is only the number of existing instances. There might be other instances that were disposed and garbaged by CLR.

Now it’s clear why it has been performing bad. For supposedly every request, a new instance of TypeActivatorCreator is created, and therefore its internal cache is simply empty (it is just newly created, too). Therefore each of request will go through the expensive path of CreateActivator, and performance suffers.

The obvious fix here is to make the dictionary static, or making the TypeActivatorCreator class Singleton. I don’t have the full source code of Mindmax.Db to determine which is better, but I’d be leaning toward the former.

Moral of the story:

  • Caching is very, very important, especially when you are dealing with reflection and lambda compilation
  • You can get it right 99%, but the 1% left could still destroy performance.


I reached out to Maxmind.db regarding this issue on November 9th, 2021

About 6h later they replied with this

I was at first confused, then somewhat disappointed. It is a small thing to fix to improve overall performance, rather than relying on/expecting customers to do what you say in documentation. But well, let’s just say we have different opinions.

A curious case of memory dump diagnostic: How Stackify can cause troubles to your site

It’s been a while since my last blog post, and this time it will be fun time with windbg. One of DXC customers has been having problem with instances of their site hang and restart. We at Episerver takes the availability and performance of DXC sites very seriously, therefore I was asked to help diagnosing the problem. It’s something I’d like to do and to learn anyway, so game is on.

The golden standard for looking at the kind of those problems is still the tried and trusted Windbg. With the help from the Managed Services Engineer, I was able to access several memory dumps from the site. Most of them were taken when the site stalled, which is usually the most useful moment because it should contain the most critical piece of information why the stall happened.

Continue reading “A curious case of memory dump diagnostic: How Stackify can cause troubles to your site”

Useful T-SQL snippets for development and troubleshooting

This post is more of a note-to-self. These are the useful T-SQL statements which can be incredibly useful in development and troubleshooting


Turn on the IO statistics for statements run after that until set to OFF explicitly. We then switch to Messages tab to see how many IO operations were done on each table.


Find out about the statements were executed: which statements, its texts, how many reads (logical), how many time was spent on CPU and how many time was spent total

Continue reading “Useful T-SQL snippets for development and troubleshooting”

Exploring Large Object Heap with WinDBG

This is the second part of, – which is far from complete. In this post, we will explore the Large Object Heap (LOH) of a .NET application with WinDBG

Why LOH? It’s a special heap contains the memory objects which are more than 85000 bytes in size – which, previously, never compacted (that was changed with .NET 4.5 when you have an option to compact LOH, but beware of the consequences).

If you know about the generation garbage collection in CLR, you already know that when an object is no longer used, its memory will be claimed back for later use. GC do more than that, by trying to compact the “free” memory – so it’ll move (via copy and delete) the survived objects next to each other, therefore you’ll be a big, continuous free memory. This helps improving performance in upcoming allocations, but only until a point. If the objects are too big, then the costs of moving the objects around might outweigh the benefits. Microsoft did a bunch of performance test and they decided that 85000 bytes is the break point, where the costs are bigger than the performance gain. Then we have LOH, where the memory is almost never compacted.

Continue reading “Exploring Large Object Heap with WinDBG”

Debug .NET memory dump with WinDBG – crash course. Part 1

If you ask me what had I been doing the last two weeks – then the answer is I was pulling my hairs.  A customer had a problem with their site as the memory hiked up after catalog imports and stayed there “forever” – and in the end it slowed the site down. I jumped in and almost regretted that decision – had to spent days  messing around with WinDBG and memory dumps. In the end – I found the problem and it was fixed. A lot of hairs were loss in progress, but I learned something about WinDBG – and that’s what I’m sharing today.

WinDBG is probably the most famous tool for debugging stuffs on Windows. Out of the box, it only works with native applications, aka assembly and such – but lucky for us, there are plenty of extensions to allow it to work with .NET application. The “standard” SOS and more advanced extension SOSEX. SOS is included in WinDBG, while you can download SOSEX from here (for 64 bit) or here (for 32 bit) . Download the zip file and extract the dll somewhere.

WinDBG comes with the Windows SDK, not the standard .NET framework, so you’ll probably need to install it separately from here

Continue reading “Debug .NET memory dump with WinDBG – crash course. Part 1”