Switching away from serializable cart mode

If you are using Optimizely Customized Commerce, the common wisdom is that you should be using serializable cart mode. It’s not perfect (we discussed the drawbacks in, um, my book), but generally it has performance benefits. But for any reason that you need to use the legacy cart mode, there is a switch you can use – IFeatureSwitch which can be used to change between those modes

It is important to remember that IFeatureSwitch only switch between to modes, it does not migrate any carts between those two. there is a one time cart migration job but that’s it.

To change the cart mode, it is simply as this


However, there is a catch here.

To let IOrderRepository use the correct cart system, there is an ICartProvider which will be either CartProvider or SerializableCartProvider . The problem is that happens much earlier in the pipeline than IInitializationModule. In fact it is determined in IConfigurableModule.ConfigureContainer , which means before any IInitializationModule.Initialize. Even if we call DisableFeatures in another ConfigureContainer, there is no warranty that our code will be called before the framework code (the order of ConfigureContainer execution is indeterministic )

But fortunately, we can do that inside Startup.Configure. Due to how the feature switch data structure, it’s not as simple as adding a setting in appsettings.json, but it can be done easily in code:

            services.Configure<ApplicationOptions>(x =>
                x.Features[SerializedCarts.FeatureSerializedCarts] = new ApplicationFeature
                    Feature = "SerializedCarts",
                    State = FeatureState.Disabled,
                    Type = "Mediachase.Commerce.Core.Features.SerializedCarts, Mediachase.Commerce"

Of course, this is a workaround. The feature switch should be done as documented. It will be fixed in the future.

Building a better wish list – part 1

If you have been using Optimized Customized Commerce, you probably know that, by default, wish list is just a cart with a special name. Can you guess the name? Surprise, surprise, it’s “Wishlist”. It’s been there since forever, from the early day of Mediachase, and then carried over to the new serializable cart. I have been “fine” with it – i.e. I accept the approach unconsciously. But until very recently I realized there are several problems with the approach.

How come it is not a very good idea?

First of all, it shares same table as the normal cart. To search for abandoned carts, you would have to skip the carts with “wishlist” name. There are only a few cart names and they are not evenly distributed, you will have hard time filtering carts by their names.

But there is more. As most customers are using the serializable cart mode now, ever growing wishlists also pose a another problem – each operation on the wishlist – adding or removing item, will result in a big write to the SerializableCart table. If you have just a few items, it might be fine, but a simple test on Commerce shows that with only 9 items in wishlist, the Data column is more than 2700 characters. And wishlists are meant to be kept forever – they will only grow in size.

My saved for later on Amazon – which is the closet thing to a “wish list”. Imagine having that on Optimizely Customized Commerce.

As wishlists are carts, they have to be in same format even though a lot of them are redundant/unnessary.

The biggest benefit, and I think it triumphs all other disadvantages we have listed, of the default wishlist implementation is it’s built-in. You can start using it without almost no additional effort. Get a cart with the predefined name and you are good to go. Building a different wish list definitely costs time and resource, a luxury not everyone can afford.

For that, I have been starting building a wish list service on my free time. I plan to make it open source when the time is right, but we’ll see about that.

Moral of the story

  • It is critical to take a step back, from time to time, to think about what you have done. Things might make less senses when you see it from a different perspective.
  • You can almost always do better.

Skip validating carts

Carts are meant to be validated. Prices changed, customers add more quantity than allowed, promotions expired, stock ran out, etc.. All kinds of stuffs that make the items in carts need validation to make sure they up to date, and be ready to be converted to an order.

However, there are cases when you don’t want your carts to be validated. The most common case is of course, wish list – a special cart that allows customer to add items to, just to keep track of. You certainly don’t want to touch it. Another example is quote – when you give a specific item at specific price for a customer, and you don’t want it to be automatically changed to the public prices, which is different from that said price.

By default, when it is called to validate a cart, these things will be done:

  • Remove items that no longer available (either deleted or end of line)
  • Update prices of the items to the latest applicable prices, or remove items that have no prices.
  • Update quantity of the items (to comply with the settings or in stock quantity), or remove items that are out of stock
  • Apply promotions
  • Update quantity again (As promotions could do things like adding free items to the cart)

There are two ways you can avoid carts being validated, let’s see what we can do.

The “Wish list names” route

With OrderOptions you can set certain wishlist names to be exempted from the validation, using WishListCartNames. By default, it’s only “Wishlist”, but you can set several using the comma separator, like this

orderOptions.WishListCartNames = "Wishlist,Quote";

However there is a caveat, with this approach, carts in those names will not be shown in the Order Management (If you want, you can change that, however it is not an easy or quick one)

The OrderValidationService route

The validation of carts (or rather, order types in general) is done by OrderValidationService. And that class is meant to be extended if necessary. Here is how you would avoid validation carts with name “Quote”, using OrderValidationService

    public class CustomOrderValidationService : OrderValidationService
        public CustomOrderValidationService(ILineItemValidator lineItemValidator, IPlacedPriceProcessor placedPriceProcessor, IPromotionEngine promotionEngine, IInventoryProcessor inventoryProcessor, OrderOptions orderOptions) : base(lineItemValidator, placedPriceProcessor, promotionEngine, inventoryProcessor, orderOptions)

        public override IDictionary<ILineItem, IList<ValidationIssue>> ValidateOrder(IOrderGroup orderGroup)
            if (orderGroup.Name.Equals("Quote", System.StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase))
                return new Dictionary<ILineItem, IList<ValidationIssue>>();
            return base.ValidateOrder(orderGroup);

And as OrderValidationService is registered by ServiceConfiguration attribute, you can register yours by

services.AddTransient<OrderValidationService, CustomOrderValidationService>();

One caveat though, making changes to OrderValidationService means those changes will apply to the entire website, so make sure the changes are actually the ones you want site-wide, not just in specific places.

Don’t let order search kill your site

Episerver Commerce order search is a powerful feature. My colleague Shannon Gray wrote about is long ago https://world.episerver.com/blogs/Shannon-Gray/Dates/2012/12/EPiServer-Commerce-Order-Search-Made-Easy/ , and I myself as well https://world.episerver.com/blogs/Quan-Mai/Dates/2014/10/Order-searchmade-easy/

But because of its power and flexibility, it can be complicated to get right. People usually stop at making the query works. Performance is usually an after thought, as it is only visible on production environment when there are enough requests to bring your database to its knees.

Let me be very clear about it: during my years helping customers with performance issues (and you can guess, that is a lot of customers), order search is one of the most, if not the most common cause of database spikes.

Trust me, you never want to your database looks like this

As your commerce database is brought to its knees, your entire website performance suffers. Your response time suffers. Your visitors are unhappy and that makes your business suffer.

But what is so bad about order search?

Order search allows you to find orders by almost any criteria. And to do that, you often join with different tables in the database. Search for orders with specific line items? Join with LineItem table on a match of CatalogEntryId column. Search for orders with a specific shipping method? Join with Shipment table on a match of ShippingMethodId etc. etc. SqlWhereClause and SqlMetaWhereClause of OrderSearchParameters are extremely flexible, and that is both a cure, and a curse.

Let’s examine the first example in closer details. The query is easy to write. But don’t you know that there is no index on the CatalogEntryId column? That means every request to search order, end up in a full table scan of LineItem.

There are two bad news into that: your LineItem table usually have many rows already, which makes that scan slow, and resource intensive. And as it’s an ever growing table, the situation only gets worse over time.

That is only a start, and a simple one, because that can be resolved by adding an index on CatalogEntryId , but there are more complicated cases when adding an index simply can’t solve the problem – because there is no good one. For example if you search for orders with custom fields, but only of type bit . Bit is essentially the worst type when it comes to index-ability, so your indexes will be much less effective than you want it to be. A full table scan will likely be used.

In short:

Order search is flexible, and powerful. But, “With great power come great responsibility”. Think about what you join on your SqlWhereClause and SqlMetaWhereClause statements, and if your query is covered by an index, or if adding an index will make senses in this case (I have a few guidelines here for a good index https://vimvq1987.com/index-or-no-index-thats-the-question/). Or if you can limit the number of the orders you search for.

Your database will thank you, later.

Iterate through all carts/orders

While it’s not a common task to do, you might want to iterate through all carts, or all carts with a specific criteria. For example, you might want to load all carts that have been last modified for more than 1 week, but less than 2 weeks, so you can send a reminder to the buyer (Ideas on the implementation of that feature is discussed in my book – Episerver Commerce A problem solution approach). Or you simply want do delete all the carts, as asked here https://world.episerver.com/forum/developer-forum/Episerver-Commerce/Thread-Container/2021/1/removing-all-active-carts/ . How?

In previous versions of Episerver Commerce, what you can do is to use OrderContext to find orders and carts using the Order search API. However that does not work with non default implementations, such as the serializable carts. A better way would be to use the new abstraction – IOrderSearchService. It takes a OrderSearchFilter which allows things like paging to be set, and returns an OrderSearchResults<T> which contains the matching collection of carts or orders, and the total count. When you have a lot of carts or orders to process, it’s nice (even important) to let the end users know the progress. However, it’s also important to know that, counting the matching carts/orders can be very expensive, so I’d suggest to avoid doing it every time.

The pattern that you can use is to do a first round (which do not load many carts, except one), to load total count. For subsequent calls you only load the carts, but set ReturnTotalCount to false to skip loading the total count. If you want to delete all the carts (for fun and profit, obviously do not try this on production, unless if this is exactly what you want), the code can be written like this, with _orderSearchService is an instance of IOrderSearchService, and _orderRepository is an instance of IOrderRepository

            var deletedCartsTotalCount = 0;
            var cartFilter = new CartFilter
                RecordsToRetrieve = 1,
                ExcludedCartNames = excludedCartNames,
                ReturnTotalCount = true

            //Get the total carts for status update.
            var orderSearchResults = _orderSearchService.FindCarts(cartFilter);
            var totalCount = orderSearchResults.TotalRecords;
            cartFilter.ReturnTotalCount = false;
            cartFilter.RecordsToRetrieve = 100;

            var cartLoaded = 0;
                var searchResults = _orderSearchService.FindCarts(cartFilter);
                foreach (var cart in searchResults.Orders)

                OnStatusChanged($"Deleted {deletedCartsTotalCount} in {totalCount} carts.");
                cartLoaded = searchResults.Orders.Count();
            while (cartLoaded > 0);

A few notes:

  • You might or might not exclude carts based on name
  • CartFilter has a few filters that you can play with, not just names.

Control the thousand separator for Money in Episerver Commerce

If you are selling goods in multiple markets which same currency but with different languages, such as EuroZone, you might notice that while everything looks quite good, except that the thousand separator might be off from time to time: it is always the same and does not change to match with the language, so sometimes it’s correct, sometimes it’s not.

Let’s take a step back to see how to properly show the thousand delimiter 

In the United States, this character is a comma (,). In Germany, it is a period (.). Thus one thousand and twenty-five is displayed as 1,025 in the United States and 1.025 in Germany. In Sweden, the thousands separator is a space.


You might ask why the problem happens with Episerver Commerce. In Commerce, each currency has an attached NumberFormatInfo which let the framework knows how to format the currency. During startup, the system will loop through the available CultureInfo and assign its .NumberFormat to the currency.

The problem is there might be multiple CultureInfo that can handle same currency, for example, EUR which is used across Eurozone, can be handled by multiple (20? ) cultures. However, the first matching CultureInfo to handle the format of the currency will be used. In most of the cases, it will be br-FR (because the CultureInfo(s) are sorted by name, and this CultureInfo is the first in the list to handle EUR)

br-FR does not have a thousand separator, but a whitespace. That’s why even if your language is de-DE, the amount in EUR will not be properly formatted as 1.234,45 but 1 234,45

How to fix that problem?

Luckily, we can set the NumberFormatInfo attached for each currency. If you are only selling in Germany, you can make sure that EUR is always formatted in German style, by adding this to one of your initialization modules:

var culture = CultureInfo.GetCultureInfo("de-DE");
Currency.SetFormat("EUR", culture.NumberFormat);

But if you have multiple languages for one currency, this will simply not work (because it’s static, so it will affect all customer). Your only option is to avoid using Money.ToString(), but to use Money.ToString(IFormatProvider), for example


Assuming CultureInfo.CurrentUiCulture is set to correct one.

This, however, does not resolve the problem with merchandisers using Commerce Manager. They might have to work with orders from multiple markets, and for example, if your site is selling good stuffs in Europe, there are chances that merchandisers see the prices without correct thousand separator. Most of places in Commerce Manager uses Money.ToString(), and there is a reason for that: it’s too risky to use Money.ToString(CultureInfo.CurrentUICulture), because if a merchandiser uses English, he or she is likely gonna see money formatted as “$” instead of “€”, and that is a much bigger problem of itself.

Moral of the story: localization is hard, and sometimes a compromise is needed.

Commerce batching performance – part 2: Loading prices and inventories

UPDATE: When looked into it, I realize that I have a lazy loading collection of entry codes, so each test had to spent time to resolve the entry code(s) from the content links. That actually costs quite a lot of time, and therefore causing the performance tests to return incorrect results. That was corrected and the results are now updated.

In previous post we talked about how loading orders in batch can actually improve your website performance, and we came to a conclusion that 1000-3000 orders per batch probably yields the best performance result.

But orders are not the only thing you would need to load on your website. A more common scenario is to load prices and inventories for product. So If you are displaying a product listing page, it’s quite common to load prices and inventories for all products in that page. How should it be loaded?

Continue reading “Commerce batching performance – part 2: Loading prices and inventories”

Commerce batching performance – part 1: Loading orders

One of best practices for better performance – not just with Commerce or Episerver Commerce, is to batch your calls to load data. In theory, if you want to load a lot of data, loading by both end will be problematic: if you load each record one by one, the overhead for opening the connection and retrieve data will be too much. But if you load all of them, then it is likely that you will end up with either time out exception in database end, or out of memory exception in your application. The better way is to of course, loading them by smaller batch: either 10, 20, or 50 records at one and repeat until the end.

That is the theory, but is it really better in practice? And if it is, which size of batch works best? As they usually say, reality is the golden test for theory, so let’s do it.

Continue reading “Commerce batching performance – part 1: Loading orders”

Package equivalent promotion type in Episerver Commerce

Recently we got this question on how to create package-equivalent promotion type in Episerver Commerce, from https://world.episerver.com/forum/developer-forum/Episerver-Commerce/Thread-Container/2018/2/is-there-a-built-in-group-discount/

I already recommended to use package for such purpose, because of several reasons:

  • Package is a builtin feature, and is fully supported by the framework, both on UI level and API level.
  • It has been well tested and is very reliable to use.

However in a real world implementation, it might not be easy to just add package implementation. One reason would be if you rely on an external PIM to handle your catalog. Configuring it to support package can not be trivial.

So why not try to implement a package equivalent promotion in the promotion engine, to see if it works.

Continue reading “Package equivalent promotion type in Episerver Commerce”

Loading carts in a load balancing environment

UPDATE 1: Apparently HttpContext.Current.Request.AnonymousID already uses the cookie internally, so there might be something that makes it stop working. I’ll update when I found out.

Today we received a support ticket as customers seeing corrupted carts data being lost – line items with invalid data, duplicated line items etc. “Corrupted data” is one of the alarming words that we take very seriously, so I decided to jump on it right away.

The setup is a load balancing environment, and the problem only happens with anonymous users. However, it can be “fixed” by turning on the sticky sessions mode. So basically, instead of having sessions on the memory of a server (so sessions on server A can’t be seen by server B, and vice versa), they need a mechanism (can be a database) to share sessions between servers.

Continue reading “Loading carts in a load balancing environment”