Switching away from serializable cart mode

If you are using Optimizely Customized Commerce, the common wisdom is that you should be using serializable cart mode. It’s not perfect (we discussed the drawbacks in, um, my book), but generally it has performance benefits. But for any reason that you need to use the legacy cart mode, there is a switch you can use – IFeatureSwitch which can be used to change between those modes

It is important to remember that IFeatureSwitch only switch between to modes, it does not migrate any carts between those two. there is a one time cart migration job but that’s it.

To change the cart mode, it is simply as this


However, there is a catch here.

To let IOrderRepository use the correct cart system, there is an ICartProvider which will be either CartProvider or SerializableCartProvider . The problem is that happens much earlier in the pipeline than IInitializationModule. In fact it is determined in IConfigurableModule.ConfigureContainer , which means before any IInitializationModule.Initialize. Even if we call DisableFeatures in another ConfigureContainer, there is no warranty that our code will be called before the framework code (the order of ConfigureContainer execution is indeterministic )

But fortunately, we can do that inside Startup.Configure. Due to how the feature switch data structure, it’s not as simple as adding a setting in appsettings.json, but it can be done easily in code:

            services.Configure<ApplicationOptions>(x =>
                x.Features[SerializedCarts.FeatureSerializedCarts] = new ApplicationFeature
                    Feature = "SerializedCarts",
                    State = FeatureState.Disabled,
                    Type = "Mediachase.Commerce.Core.Features.SerializedCarts, Mediachase.Commerce"

Of course, this is a workaround. The feature switch should be done as documented. It will be fixed in the future.

Iterate through all carts/orders

While it’s not a common task to do, you might want to iterate through all carts, or all carts with a specific criteria. For example, you might want to load all carts that have been last modified for more than 1 week, but less than 2 weeks, so you can send a reminder to the buyer (Ideas on the implementation of that feature is discussed in my book – Episerver Commerce A problem solution approach). Or you simply want do delete all the carts, as asked here https://world.episerver.com/forum/developer-forum/Episerver-Commerce/Thread-Container/2021/1/removing-all-active-carts/ . How?

In previous versions of Episerver Commerce, what you can do is to use OrderContext to find orders and carts using the Order search API. However that does not work with non default implementations, such as the serializable carts. A better way would be to use the new abstraction – IOrderSearchService. It takes a OrderSearchFilter which allows things like paging to be set, and returns an OrderSearchResults<T> which contains the matching collection of carts or orders, and the total count. When you have a lot of carts or orders to process, it’s nice (even important) to let the end users know the progress. However, it’s also important to know that, counting the matching carts/orders can be very expensive, so I’d suggest to avoid doing it every time.

The pattern that you can use is to do a first round (which do not load many carts, except one), to load total count. For subsequent calls you only load the carts, but set ReturnTotalCount to false to skip loading the total count. If you want to delete all the carts (for fun and profit, obviously do not try this on production, unless if this is exactly what you want), the code can be written like this, with _orderSearchService is an instance of IOrderSearchService, and _orderRepository is an instance of IOrderRepository

            var deletedCartsTotalCount = 0;
            var cartFilter = new CartFilter
                RecordsToRetrieve = 1,
                ExcludedCartNames = excludedCartNames,
                ReturnTotalCount = true

            //Get the total carts for status update.
            var orderSearchResults = _orderSearchService.FindCarts(cartFilter);
            var totalCount = orderSearchResults.TotalRecords;
            cartFilter.ReturnTotalCount = false;
            cartFilter.RecordsToRetrieve = 100;

            var cartLoaded = 0;
                var searchResults = _orderSearchService.FindCarts(cartFilter);
                foreach (var cart in searchResults.Orders)

                OnStatusChanged($"Deleted {deletedCartsTotalCount} in {totalCount} carts.");
                cartLoaded = searchResults.Orders.Count();
            while (cartLoaded > 0);

A few notes:

  • You might or might not exclude carts based on name
  • CartFilter has a few filters that you can play with, not just names.

Loading carts in a load balancing environment

UPDATE 1: Apparently HttpContext.Current.Request.AnonymousID already uses the cookie internally, so there might be something that makes it stop working. I’ll update when I found out.

Today we received a support ticket as customers seeing corrupted carts data being lost – line items with invalid data, duplicated line items etc. “Corrupted data” is one of the alarming words that we take very seriously, so I decided to jump on it right away.

The setup is a load balancing environment, and the problem only happens with anonymous users. However, it can be “fixed” by turning on the sticky sessions mode. So basically, instead of having sessions on the memory of a server (so sessions on server A can’t be seen by server B, and vice versa), they need a mechanism (can be a database) to share sessions between servers.

Continue reading “Loading carts in a load balancing environment”