Multiple catalogs: Without catalog name(s)

My previous blog posts about multiple catalogs in multiple sites setting here and here has helped one customer (hopefully more) to address their problem. They tried the approach and it works for them. Now they came back and ask if they can remove the catalog name from the URL entirely. Is that something that can be done. Fortunately, yes.

Before moving on, let’s be clear: this is obviously custom development and is not officially supported by Episerver. I.e. it’s neither tested and documented. Normally you would have to go to Expert Services for such requirement. For this blog, I provide those samples for free (you don’t even have to buy my book 😉 ), but remember I can only do that much. You have to test to see if it works for you (I of course do the basic testing), and if you run into problems later, I might not be able/available to help.

Now get back to the problem. Previously the router looks like this

protected override CatalogContentBase FindNextContentInSegmentPair(CatalogContentBase catalogContent, SegmentPair segmentPair,
        SegmentContext segmentContext, CultureInfo cultureInfo)
        if (catalogContent.ContentType == CatalogContentType.Root)
            CatalogContent definedCatalogContent;
            var definedCatalogLink = _contentLoader.Get(RouteStartingPoint).CatalogLink;
            if (_contentLoader.TryGet(definedCatalogLink, cultureInfo, out definedCatalogContent))
                return definedCatalogContent;
        return base.FindNextContentInSegmentPair(catalogContent, segmentPair, segmentContext, cultureInfo);

And it works great with  http://commerceref/en/fashion/mens/mens-shoes/p-36127195/ or http://commerceref/en/products/mens/mens-shoes/p-36127195/. But now they want to completely remove the catalog name from the url. They can’t make it works with http://commerceref/en/mens/mens-shoes/p-36127195/.

Why? Because the router is returning the catalog for /mens/ segment. In next segment (mens-shoes), we fallback to the default implementation, which can’t find any matching content as children of that definedCatalogContent .

The solution: Because we want the first-level category to appear as direct child of the catalog root, we would have to return it ourselves. Instead of returning the catalog, we return the first node that matches /mens/ segment.

        protected override CatalogContentBase FindNextContentInSegmentPair(CatalogContentBase catalogContent, SegmentPair segmentPair,
            SegmentContext segmentContext, CultureInfo cultureInfo)
            if (catalogContent.ContentType == CatalogContentType.Root)
                CatalogContent definedCatalogContent;
                var definedCatalogLink = _contentLoader.Get<StartPage>(RouteStartingPoint).CatalogLink;
                if (_contentLoader.TryGet<CatalogContent>(definedCatalogLink, cultureInfo, out definedCatalogContent))
                    var nodes = _contentLoader.GetChildren<NodeContent>(definedCatalogLink);
                    return nodes.FirstOrDefault(n => n.RouteSegment.Equals(segmentPair.Next, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase));

                return null;
            return base.FindNextContentInSegmentPair(catalogContent, segmentPair, segmentContext, cultureInfo);

And it just works:

Now that’s just one part of the solution. We still need to make sure outgoing URLs respect that. I’ll leave that to you, as practice.

Multiple sites: Building the outgoing URLs

In previous recipe we talked about multiple catalogs with same “UriSegment” – which we had a working implementation for incoming URL, i.e. when a customer visit a product url, we know which catalog we should choose from. But we still need to cover the generation of outgoing URL. I.e. when we link a product (For example, from a campaign page), we need to generate an URL which take the “catalog-less” pattern into account.

We need to understand how the outgoing URL is built. The hierarchical router builds the URL by the `RouteSegment` of contents. However, we want to the urls appear to have same catalog, so the `RouteSegment` part for the catalogs must be the same, regardless of the true catalogs. Because all catalogs are on same level, their `RouteSegment` must be unique – and this is enforced from Framework level (which is understandable, otherwise, how can it know which content to choose).

Continue reading “Multiple sites: Building the outgoing URLs”

Multiple catalogs with same url

This is an excerpt from my second book . The first chapter is available to read for free.

A business is having an Episerver Commerce instance with multiple sites and multiple catalogs set up. They want to make sure each site will use one catalog, and all of them will share the same url for catalog structure. So it’ll be “”, and “”. Site A and site B are using different catalogs.

Is this doable? Yes! It’s just a matter of magic with the routing. This time, we would need to do an implementation of HierarchicalCatalogPartialRouter ourselves. First, let’s create a template for it:

public class MultipleSiteCatalogPartialRouter : HierarchicalCatalogPartialRouter
        private readonly IContentLoader _contentLoader;

        public MultipleSiteCatalogPartialRouter(Func routeStartingPoint, CatalogContentBase commerceRoot, bool enableOutgoingSeoUri, IContentLoader contentLoader) 
            : base(routeStartingPoint, commerceRoot, enableOutgoingSeoUri)
            _contentLoader = contentLoader;

Continue reading “Multiple catalogs with same url”

Speed up your Catalog incremental indexing

As your products are being constantly updated, you would naturally want them to be properly (and timely) indexed – as that’s crucial to have the search results that would influence your customers into buying stuffs. For example, if you just drop the prices of your products , you would want those products to appear in new price segment as soon as possible.

This should be very easy with Find.Commerce – so if you are using Find (which you should) – stop reading, nothing for you here. Things, however, can be more complicated if you are using the more “traditional” SearchProvider.

Continue reading “Speed up your Catalog incremental indexing”

Mass update catalog entries

This is something you don’t do daily, but you will probably need one day, so it might come in handy.

Recently we got a question on how to update the code of all entries in the catalog. This is interesting, because even thought you don’t update the codes that often (if at all, as the code is the identity to identify the entries with external system, such as ERPs or PIMs), it raises a question on how to do mass update on catalog entries.

    • Update the code directly via database query. It is supposedly the fastest to do such thing. If you have been following my posts closely, you must be familiar with my note regarding how Episerver does not disclose the database schema. I list it here because it’s an option, but not the good one. It easily goes wrong (and cause catastrophes), you have to deal with versions and cache, and those can be hairy to get right. Direct data manipulation should be only used as the last resort when no other option is available.

Continue reading “Mass update catalog entries”

A curious case of SQL Server function

This time, we will talk about ecfVersion_ListFiltered, again.

This stored procedure was previously the subject of several blog posts regarding SQL Server performance optimizations. When I thought it is perfect (in term of performance), I learned something more.

Recently we received a performance report from a customer asking about an issue after upgrading from Commerce 10.4.2 to Commerce 10.8 (the last version before Commerce 11). The job “Publish Delayed Content Versions” starts to throw timeout exceptions.

This scheduled job calls to a ecfVersion_ListFiltered to load the content versions which are in status DelayedPublish, it looks like this when it reaches SQL Server:

declare @s [udttIdTable]
insert into @s values(6)
exec dbo.ecfVersion_ListFiltered @Statuses = @s, @StartIndex = 0, @MaxRows = 2147483646

This query is known to be slow. The reason is quite obvious – Status contains only 5 or 6 distinct values, so it’s not indexed. SQL Server will have to do a Clustered Index Scan, and if ecfVersion is big enough, it’s inevitably slow.

Continue reading “A curious case of SQL Server function”

Beware of IContentLoader.GetChildren() for CatalogContent

This is more of a self-to-note.

If you are using IContentLoader.GetChildren<T>(ContentReference), one important thing to remember is this uses the current preferred language. Normally when you get children of a catalog, or a node, that would not be a problem, because a catalog entity – node or entry, will be available in every language supported by the catalog. So if you just want to get the children references, the language is not important. (Note that, if you just need the children references, IRelationRepository should be a faster, more lightweight way to go, but that’s another story). If you want to get children in a specific language – which is the most common case, you know that you can use the other overload of GetChildren<T>(ContentReference, ILanguageSelector) , where you can specify the language you want to load.

Continue reading “Beware of IContentLoader.GetChildren() for CatalogContent”

A curious case of SQL execution plan, part 2

Recently I wrote about how to look into, identify and solve the problem with a SQL Server execution plan – as you can read here:

I have some more time to revisit the query now, and I realized I made a “small” mistake. The “optimized” query is using a Clustered Index Scan

So it’s not as fast as it should be, and it will perform quite poorly in no cache scenario (when the buffer is empty, for example) – it takes about 40s to complete. Yes it’s still better than the original one, both in non cached and cached cases. But it’s not good enough. An index scan, even cached, is not only slower, but also more prone to deadlocks. It’s also worse in best case scenario, when the original one can use the proper index seek.

Continue reading “A curious case of SQL execution plan, part 2”

A curious case of SQL execution plan

I said this already, and I will say it again: SQL Server optimizer is smart. I can even go further and say, it’s smarter than you and me (I have no doubt that you are smart, even very, very smart 🙂 ). So most of the cases, you leave it to do whatever it thinks is the best.

But there are cases SQL Server optimizer is fooled by the engine – it gets confused and chooses an sub-optimal plan, because it was given wrong, outdated, or incorrect information. That’s when you need to step in.

Today I face one case like that, as reported here:

Continue reading “A curious case of SQL execution plan”

Episerver Commerce catalog performance optimization – part 4

Recently I worked on a support case where a customer reported deadlocks and timeout exceptions on queries to a specific table – NodeEntryRelation. Yes, it was mentioned in this post. However, there is more to it.

Keeping the indexes healthy definitely help to improve performance and avoid deadlocks and timeout exceptions. However it can only work to a limit, because even if the indexes are in their perfect state (the fragmentation level is 0%), the query will still take time.

Looking in the query we talked about – ecf_Catalog_GetChildrenEntries – what does it do. It lists the entries which are direct children of a catalog. So normally entries belong to categories (nodes), but it’s possible (Although not recommended) to have entries that belong directly to a catalog.

Continue reading “Episerver Commerce catalog performance optimization – part 4”