Speed up catalog routing if you have multiple children under catalog

A normal catalog structure is like this: you have a few high level categories under the catalog, then each high level category has a few lower level categories under it, then each lower level category has their children, so on and so forth until you reach the leaves – catalog entries.

However it is not uncommon that you have multiple children (categories and entries) directly under catalog. Even though that is not something you should do, it happens. 

But that is not without drawbacks. You might notice it is slow to route to a product. It might not be visible to naked eyes, but if you use some decent profilers (which I personally recommend dotTrace), it can be fairly obvious that your site is not routing optimally.


To route to a specific catalog content, for example http://commerceref/en/fashion/mens/mens-shirts/p-39101253/, the default router have to figure out which content is mapped to an url segment. So with default registration where the catalog root is the default routing root, we will start with the catalog which maps to the first part of route (fashion ). How do it figure out which content to route for the next part (mens ) ? 

Until recently, what it does it to call GetChildren on the catalog ContentReference . Now you can see the problem. Even with a cached result, that is still too much – GetChildren with a big number of children is definitely expensive.

We noticed this behavior, thanks to Erik Norberg. An improvement have been made in Commerce 12.10 to make sure even with a number of children directly under Catalog, the router should perform adequately efficient.

If you can’t upgrade to 12.10 or later (you should!), then you might have a workaround that improve the performance. By adding your own implementation of HierarchicalCatalogPartialRouter, you can override how you would get the children content – by using a more lightweight method (GetBySegment)

    public class CustomHierarchicalCatalogPartialRouter : HierarchicalCatalogPartialRouter
        private readonly IContentLoader _contentLoader;

        public CustomHierarchicalCatalogPartialRouter(Func<ContentReference> routeStartingPoint, CatalogContentBase commerceRoot, bool enableOutgoingSeoUri) : base(routeStartingPoint, commerceRoot, enableOutgoingSeoUri)

        public CustomHierarchicalCatalogPartialRouter(Func<ContentReference> routeStartingPoint, CatalogContentBase commerceRoot, bool supportSeoUri, IContentLoader contentLoader, IRoutingSegmentLoader routingSegmentLoader, IContentVersionRepository contentVersionRepository, IUrlSegmentRouter urlSegmentRouter, IContentLanguageSettingsHandler contentLanguageSettingsHandler, ServiceAccessor<HttpContextBase> httpContextAccessor) : base(routeStartingPoint, commerceRoot, supportSeoUri, contentLoader, routingSegmentLoader, contentVersionRepository, urlSegmentRouter, contentLanguageSettingsHandler, httpContextAccessor)
            _contentLoader = contentLoader;

        protected override CatalogContentBase FindNextContentInSegmentPair(CatalogContentBase catalogContent, SegmentPair segmentPair, SegmentContext segmentContext, CultureInfo cultureInfo)
            return _contentLoader.GetBySegment(catalogContent.ContentLink, segmentPair.Next, cultureInfo) as CatalogContentBase;

And then instead of using CatalogRouteHelper.MapDefaultHierarchialRouter , you register your router directly

 var referenceConverter = ServiceLocator.Current.GetInstance<ReferenceConverter>();
            var contentLoader = ServiceLocator.Current.GetInstance<IContentLoader>();
            var commerceRootContent = contentLoader.Get<CatalogContentBase>(referenceConverter.GetRootLink());
            routes.RegisterPartialRouter(new HierarchicalCatalogPartialRouter(startingPoint, commerceRootContent, enableOutgoingSeoUri));

(ServiceLocator is just to make it easier to understand the code. You should do this in an IInitializationModule, so use context.Locate.Advanced instead.

This is applicable from 9.2.0 and newer versions. 

Moral of the story:

  • Catalog structure can play a big role when it comes to performance.
  • You should do profiling whenever you can
  • We do that too, and we make sure to include improvements in later versions, so keeping your website up to date is a good way to tune performance.

Multiple catalogs: Without catalog name(s)

My previous blog posts about multiple catalogs in multiple sites setting here and here has helped one customer (hopefully more) to address their problem. They tried the approach and it works for them. Now they came back and ask if they can remove the catalog name from the URL entirely. Is that something that can be done. Fortunately, yes.

Before moving on, let’s be clear: this is obviously custom development and is not officially supported by Episerver. I.e. it’s neither tested and documented. Normally you would have to go to Expert Services for such requirement. For this blog, I provide those samples for free (you don’t even have to buy my book 😉 ), but remember I can only do that much. You have to test to see if it works for you (I of course do the basic testing), and if you run into problems later, I might not be able/available to help.

Now get back to the problem. Previously the router looks like this

protected override CatalogContentBase FindNextContentInSegmentPair(CatalogContentBase catalogContent, SegmentPair segmentPair,
        SegmentContext segmentContext, CultureInfo cultureInfo)
        if (catalogContent.ContentType == CatalogContentType.Root)
            CatalogContent definedCatalogContent;
            var definedCatalogLink = _contentLoader.Get(RouteStartingPoint).CatalogLink;
            if (_contentLoader.TryGet(definedCatalogLink, cultureInfo, out definedCatalogContent))
                return definedCatalogContent;
        return base.FindNextContentInSegmentPair(catalogContent, segmentPair, segmentContext, cultureInfo);

And it works great with  http://commerceref/en/fashion/mens/mens-shoes/p-36127195/ or http://commerceref/en/products/mens/mens-shoes/p-36127195/. But now they want to completely remove the catalog name from the url. They can’t make it works with http://commerceref/en/mens/mens-shoes/p-36127195/.

Why? Because the router is returning the catalog for /mens/ segment. In next segment (mens-shoes), we fallback to the default implementation, which can’t find any matching content as children of that definedCatalogContent .

The solution: Because we want the first-level category to appear as direct child of the catalog root, we would have to return it ourselves. Instead of returning the catalog, we return the first node that matches /mens/ segment.

        protected override CatalogContentBase FindNextContentInSegmentPair(CatalogContentBase catalogContent, SegmentPair segmentPair,
            SegmentContext segmentContext, CultureInfo cultureInfo)
            if (catalogContent.ContentType == CatalogContentType.Root)
                CatalogContent definedCatalogContent;
                var definedCatalogLink = _contentLoader.Get<StartPage>(RouteStartingPoint).CatalogLink;
                if (_contentLoader.TryGet<CatalogContent>(definedCatalogLink, cultureInfo, out definedCatalogContent))
                    var nodes = _contentLoader.GetChildren<NodeContent>(definedCatalogLink);
                    return nodes.FirstOrDefault(n => n.RouteSegment.Equals(segmentPair.Next, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase));

                return null;
            return base.FindNextContentInSegmentPair(catalogContent, segmentPair, segmentContext, cultureInfo);

And it just works:

Now that’s just one part of the solution. We still need to make sure outgoing URLs respect that. I’ll leave that to you, as practice.

Multiple sites: Building the outgoing URLs

In previous recipe we talked about multiple catalogs with same “UriSegment” – which we had a working implementation for incoming URL, i.e. when a customer visit a product url, we know which catalog we should choose from. But we still need to cover the generation of outgoing URL. I.e. when we link a product (For example, from a campaign page), we need to generate an URL which take the “catalog-less” pattern into account.

We need to understand how the outgoing URL is built. The hierarchical router builds the URL by the `RouteSegment` of contents. However, we want to the urls appear to have same catalog, so the `RouteSegment` part for the catalogs must be the same, regardless of the true catalogs. Because all catalogs are on same level, their `RouteSegment` must be unique – and this is enforced from Framework level (which is understandable, otherwise, how can it know which content to choose).

Continue reading “Multiple sites: Building the outgoing URLs”

Multiple catalogs with same url

This is an excerpt from my second book . The first chapter is available to read for free.

A business is having an Episerver Commerce instance with multiple sites and multiple catalogs set up. They want to make sure each site will use one catalog, and all of them will share the same url for catalog structure. So it’ll be “https://site-a.com/products/category/”, and “https://site-b.com/products/category/”. Site A and site B are using different catalogs.

Is this doable? Yes! It’s just a matter of magic with the routing. This time, we would need to do an implementation of HierarchicalCatalogPartialRouter ourselves. First, let’s create a template for it:

public class MultipleSiteCatalogPartialRouter : HierarchicalCatalogPartialRouter
        private readonly IContentLoader _contentLoader;

        public MultipleSiteCatalogPartialRouter(Func routeStartingPoint, CatalogContentBase commerceRoot, bool enableOutgoingSeoUri, IContentLoader contentLoader) 
            : base(routeStartingPoint, commerceRoot, enableOutgoingSeoUri)
            _contentLoader = contentLoader;

Continue reading “Multiple catalogs with same url”

Episerver CMS performance optimization – part 1

Update: In Episerver CMS 11, released today (November 21st 2017), the simpleaddress router has been moved to the last of the route table.

Original post:

This is an unusual post – it is not about Commerce – my area of expertise, but about CMS. Recently I’ve been working on some support cases where SQL Server instance is on high utilization, and in some scenarios it eventually slows down the site. After investigation, it’s likely to come from a small, simple and helpful feature: Simple address.

CMS content can have a property named “Simple address”, which allows you to create a “shortcut” url for that content. So if you have one page with “name in url” as “contact-us” under a page name “about-us” under Home page, you can access it via https://mysupercoolsite.com/en/about-us/contact-us. Or you can set the Simple address for that page as “contact-us”, and then you can access it directly via https://mysupercoolsite.com/contact-us.

Continue reading “Episerver CMS performance optimization – part 1”

Find indexing job + HierarchicalCatalogPartialRouter: A note

I ran into this problem recently and while in the end it’s quite simple issue (Everything is simple if we understand it, right?), it costed me quite many hairs in the process – as it involved debugging with 3 solutions – Find.Commerce (where the problem appears), Commerce (where the router does the work), CMS Core (where the routers are handled). It was both fun, and confusing.

The problem as a customer has this code in an initialization module:

            var contentLoader = ServiceLocator.Current.GetInstance<IContentLoader>();
            var referenceConverter = ServiceLocator.Current.GetInstance<ReferenceConverter>();

            var firstCatalog = contentLoader.GetChildren<CatalogContent>(referenceConverter.GetRootLink()).FirstOrDefault();

            var partialRouter = new HierarchicalCatalogPartialRouter(() => SiteDefinition.Current.StartPage, firstCatalog, false);


Continue reading “Find indexing job + HierarchicalCatalogPartialRouter: A note”

Episerver Commerce routing internals, part 2

This post is a second post after http://vimvq1987.com/2016/03/episerver-commerce-routing-internals-part-1/ . The third part in the series can be found here: http://vimvq1987.com/2016/03/redirecting-your-product-urls-in-episerver-commerce/. (I know, I should have published the post in the right order.) They are all excerpts from my book – Pro Episerver Commerce.

The hierarchical approach:

This “new” approach (today it’s not new anymore, perhaps we can call it newer?) was introduced  in Commerce 7.5 to make the routing of Catalog contents inline with CMS content. The core concept of this approach is to reflect the structure of contents to the structure of the Uri, for the discoverability. With SEO Uri approach, customers will never know how to get to the parent node, to see the other items in same category. With the partial routing, they can. To allow that, every catalog content has a piece of information – RouteSegment. This is saved in CatalogItemSeo as UriSegment, but is hidden for editing in Commerce Manager

Continue reading “Episerver Commerce routing internals, part 2”

Episerver Commerce routing internals, part 1

Routing is important for any sites, and it’s even more important for a Commerce site – it can help driven sales. People nowadays search for everything, and ranking higher in the search results yield much better chance of your products being purchased. There are two routing systems in Episerver Commerce (as always!). The old one is based on SEO URI, has been there since Commerce R1, and the new one, HierarchicalCatalogPartialRouter, which is a partial router, was introduced in Commerce 7.5.

The SEO Uri approach

This approach is based on the SEO Uri, so the link to your product will be in form of http:///yourproduct.aspx. Note that .aspx is the default, but you are free to choose another extension, or even no extension at all. The SEO Uri can be edited in both Commerce Manager and Catalog UI

SEO Uri editing in Commerce Manager

Those information are stored in CatalogItemSeo for both Nodes and Entries, which each row represents the information of one node or one entry in one language. Note that only the Uri is unique and is used by the system, it’s up to your site implementation to utilize other information such as Title, Description – just follow best SEO practices.

Continue reading “Episerver Commerce routing internals, part 1”

Redirect your product URL:s in Episerver Commerce

Why redirect?

A very good thing about Episerver Commerce is that even you enabled the partial routing system, the old SEO Uri:s will continue to work (of course, as long as you keep the Uri:s unchanged). So they can coexist in same website – but that might not what you want – you might want to stick with only one routing system – it’s been told that the more popular your URL is, the higher rank it gets in the search engine results.

From hierarchial URL to SEO URL:

This one is pretty easy, just call this during your site’s initialization, the true parameter means you want to enable Outgoing Seo URI, and the next statement configures the redirect:

CatalogRouteHelper.MapDefaultHierarchialRouter(RouteTable.Routes, true);


From SEO URI to hierarchial URI:

This one is tricky, there is no such built-in method allows us to do so. We can’t even override SeoUriRouter because it’s registered automatically and there is no way to guarantee that our router will be able to run before it. (If a matching router is found, the processing will stop).

Continue reading “Redirect your product URL:s in Episerver Commerce”