Package equivalent promotion type in Episerver Commerce

Recently we got this question on how to create package-equivalent promotion type in Episerver Commerce, from

I already recommended to use package for such purpose, because of several reasons:

  • Package is a builtin feature, and is fully supported by the framework, both on UI level and API level.
  • It has been well tested and is very reliable to use.

However in a real world implementation, it might not be easy to just add package implementation. One reason would be if you rely on an external PIM to handle your catalog. Configuring it to support package can not be trivial.

So why not try to implement a package equivalent promotion in the promotion engine, to see if it works.

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How to check if a coupon was successfully applied

When a customer add a coupon to his/her cart, it’s nice and best practice to show to him/her if the coupon has been applied successfully, or if it was an invalid/not applicable code.

Coupon has been applied successfully
Coupon has been applied successfully

How can you do that?

In old promotion system

When old promotion system run, each successfully applied promotion will be presented by an instance of Discount, which has a property named DiscountCode – this is the coupon used for the promotion (it can of course be null if the promotion requires no coupon).

Continue reading “How to check if a coupon was successfully applied”

The beauty of new promotion system

This is going to be a relatively short post. If you are using Episerver Commerce 9, you probably know that we are working on a new promotion system. It’s still BETA, but some of our customers already use it, and from what I heard they are really happy with it.

One of the reasons we create a new promotion system is the old one is not developer-friendly. Have you ever tried to create a promotion in old system, by code?

This is an “simple” example of how to create a new campaign and a couple of promotions:
Continue reading “The beauty of new promotion system”