Loading the contacts/organizations, the right way

If you have been using Business Foundation, you most likely know about a limitation – you can only load the first 1000 objects using the GetXXX methods. For example, by using CustomerContext.Current.GetOrganizations(), you can load the first 1000 organizations. In theory, you can get more objects by changing the value of MaxObjectsList. However, changing that has consequences. Changing that will affect all types of objects, including contacts, organizations, and your custom objects. Also, loading too much in one go is almost never a good idea.

Is there a better way?

Yes, of course – which is why we have this blog post

There is a “hidden” method from base class of Business Foundation – BusinessManager that takes paging parameters

public static EntityObject[] List(string metaClassName, FilterElement[] filters, SortingElement[] sorting, int? start, int? count)

You will need to convert the results to the type you want. Note that all Business Foundation objects are inherited from EntityObject. So if you want to get the contacts by paging, it would look like this:

                var contacts = BusinessManager.List(ContactEntity.ClassName, new FilterElement[0], new SortingElement[] { new SortingElement(sortField, sortType) }, startIndex, recordsToRetrieve)

Let’s go through the parameters one by one.

  • The first you need is the class name of your objects. For contacts, you can use ContactEntity.ClassName as shown above. For organizations, OrganizationEntity.ClassName
  • Next one is the filter. As you are trying to load all objects, you can just pass in an empty (but not null) instance – new FilterElement[0]
  • Third one is how you want to sort it. If you pass an empty array, it will be sort by default. If you want to sort by Name for example, set your sortField to Name and sortType to one of SortingElementType (Asc or Desc)
  • Forth and fifth ones are what we are looking for, they’re simply paging parameters – which position to start getting, and how many objects to get. Combine this with a simple while loop, you can get all of your Business Foundation objects.

And that’s about it, my friends.

What’s about caching?

Caching with list is always tricky – as you have to keep track of each item in the list to make sure you invalidate the list cache if one of the item is changed (updated/removed). For the purpose of just loading all contacts/organizations, it is probably better to just skip caching, for simplicity.

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