Iterate through all carts/orders

While it’s not a common task to do, you might want to iterate through all carts, or all carts with a specific criteria. For example, you might want to load all carts that have been last modified for more than 1 week, but less than 2 weeks, so you can send a reminder to the buyer (Ideas on the implementation of that feature is discussed in my book – Episerver Commerce A problem solution approach). Or you simply want do delete all the carts, as asked here . How?

In previous versions of Episerver Commerce, what you can do is to use OrderContext to find orders and carts using the Order search API. However that does not work with non default implementations, such as the serializable carts. A better way would be to use the new abstraction – IOrderSearchService. It takes a OrderSearchFilter which allows things like paging to be set, and returns an OrderSearchResults<T> which contains the matching collection of carts or orders, and the total count. When you have a lot of carts or orders to process, it’s nice (even important) to let the end users know the progress. However, it’s also important to know that, counting the matching carts/orders can be very expensive, so I’d suggest to avoid doing it every time.

The pattern that you can use is to do a first round (which do not load many carts, except one), to load total count. For subsequent calls you only load the carts, but set ReturnTotalCount to false to skip loading the total count. If you want to delete all the carts (for fun and profit, obviously do not try this on production, unless if this is exactly what you want), the code can be written like this, with _orderSearchService is an instance of IOrderSearchService, and _orderRepository is an instance of IOrderRepository

            var deletedCartsTotalCount = 0;
            var cartFilter = new CartFilter
                RecordsToRetrieve = 1,
                ExcludedCartNames = excludedCartNames,
                ReturnTotalCount = true

            //Get the total carts for status update.
            var orderSearchResults = _orderSearchService.FindCarts(cartFilter);
            var totalCount = orderSearchResults.TotalRecords;
            cartFilter.ReturnTotalCount = false;
            cartFilter.RecordsToRetrieve = 100;

            var cartLoaded = 0;
                var searchResults = _orderSearchService.FindCarts(cartFilter);
                foreach (var cart in searchResults.Orders)

                OnStatusChanged($"Deleted {deletedCartsTotalCount} in {totalCount} carts.");
                cartLoaded = searchResults.Orders.Count();
            while (cartLoaded > 0);

A few notes:

  • You might or might not exclude carts based on name
  • CartFilter has a few filters that you can play with, not just names.

Don’t use AspNetIdentity FindByEmailAsync/FindByIdAsync

Or any of its equivalent – FindByEmail/FindById etc.


Reason? It’s slow. Slow enough to effectively kill your database, and therefore, your website.

If you want dig into the default implementation (which is using EntityFramework), this is what you end up with, either if you are using FindByEmailAsync, or its synchronous equivalent FindByEmail

    public virtual Task<TUser> FindByEmailAsync(string email)
      return this.GetUserAggregateAsync((Expression<Func<TUser, bool>>) (u => u.Email.ToUpper() == email.ToUpper()));

It finds user by matching the email, but not before it uses ToUpper in both sides of the equation. This is to ensure correctness because an user can register with “[email protected]” but then try to login with “[email protected]”. If the database is set to be CS – case sensitive collation, that is not a match.

That is fine for C#/.NET, but it is bad for SQL Server. When it reaches database, this query is generated

(@p__linq__0 nvarchar(4000))SELECT TOP (1) 
    [Extent1].[Id] AS [Id], 
    [Extent1].[NewsLetter] AS [NewsLetter], 
    [Extent1].[IsApproved] AS [IsApproved], 
    [Extent1].[IsLockedOut] AS [IsLockedOut], 
    [Extent1].[Comment] AS [Comment], 
    [Extent1].[CreationDate] AS [CreationDate], 
    [Extent1].[LastLoginDate] AS [LastLoginDate], 
    [Extent1].[LastLockoutDate] AS [LastLockoutDate], 
    [Extent1].[Email] AS [Email], 
    [Extent1].[EmailConfirmed] AS [EmailConfirmed], 
    [Extent1].[PasswordHash] AS [PasswordHash], 
    [Extent1].[SecurityStamp] AS [SecurityStamp], 
    [Extent1].[PhoneNumber] AS [PhoneNumber], 
    [Extent1].[PhoneNumberConfirmed] AS [PhoneNumberConfirmed], 
    [Extent1].[TwoFactorEnabled] AS [TwoFactorEnabled], 
    [Extent1].[LockoutEndDateUtc] AS [LockoutEndDateUtc], 
    [Extent1].[LockoutEnabled] AS [LockoutEnabled], 
    [Extent1].[AccessFailedCount] AS [AccessFailedCount], 
    [Extent1].[UserName] AS [UserName]
    FROM [dbo].[AspNetUsers] AS [Extent1]
    WHERE ((UPPER([Extent1].[Email])) = (UPPER(@p__linq__0))) OR ((UPPER([Extent1].[Email]) IS NULL) AND (UPPER(@p__linq__0) IS NULL))

If you can’t spot the problem – don’t worry because I have seen experienced developers made the same mistake. By using the TOUPPER function on the column you are effectively remove any performance benefit of the index that might be on Email column. That means this query will do an index scan every time it is called. We have the TOP(1) statement which somewhat reduces the impact (it can stop as soon as it finds a match), but if there is no match – e.g. no registered email, it will be a full index scan.

If you have a lot of registered customers, frequent calls to that query can effectively kill your database.

And how to fix it

Fixing this issue will be a bit cumbersome, because the code is well hidden inside the implementation of AspNetIdentity EntityFramework. But it’s not impossible. First we need an UserStore which does not use the Upper for comparison:

public class FoundationUserStore<TUser> : UserStore<TUser> where TUser : IdentityUser, IUIUser, new()
    public FoundationUserStore(DbContext context)
        : base(context)
    { }

    public override Task<TUser> FindByEmailAsync(string email)
        return GetUserAggregateAsync(x => x.Email == email);

    public override Task<TUser> FindByNameAsync(string name)
        return GetUserAggregateAsync(x => x.UserName == name);

And then a new UserManager to use that new UserStore

    public class CustomApplicationUserManager<TUser> : ApplicationUserManager<TUser> where TUser : IdentityUser, IUIUser, new()
        public CustomApplicationUserManager(IUserStore<TUser> store)
            : base(store)

        public static new ApplicationUserManager<TUser> Create(IdentityFactoryOptions<ApplicationUserManager<TUser>> options, IOwinContext context)
            var manager = new ApplicationUserManager<TUser>(new FoundationUserStore<TUser>(context.Get<ApplicationDbContext<TUser>>()));

            // Configure validation logic for usernames
            manager.UserValidator = new UserValidator<TUser>(manager)
                AllowOnlyAlphanumericUserNames = false,
                RequireUniqueEmail = true

            // Configure validation logic for passwords
            manager.PasswordValidator = new PasswordValidator
                RequiredLength = 2,
                RequireNonLetterOrDigit = false,
                RequireDigit = false,
                RequireLowercase = false,
                RequireUppercase = false
                RequiredLength = 6,
                RequireNonLetterOrDigit = true,
                RequireDigit = true,
                RequireLowercase = true,
                RequireUppercase = true


            // Configure user lockout defaults
            manager.UserLockoutEnabledByDefault = true;
            manager.DefaultAccountLockoutTimeSpan = TimeSpan.FromMinutes(5);
            manager.MaxFailedAccessAttemptsBeforeLockout = 5;

            var provider = context.Get<ApplicationOptions>().DataProtectionProvider.Create("EPiServerAspNetIdentity");
            manager.UserTokenProvider = new DataProtectorTokenProvider<TUser>(provider);

            return manager;

And then a way to register our UserManager

    public static IAppBuilder AddCustomAspNetIdentity<TUser>(this IAppBuilder app, ApplicationOptions applicationOptions) where TUser : IdentityUser, IUIUser, new()
        applicationOptions.DataProtectionProvider = app.GetDataProtectionProvider();

        // Configure the db context, user manager and signin manager to use a single instance per request
        app.CreatePerOwinContext<ApplicationOptions>(() => applicationOptions);

        // Configure the application

        // Saving the connection string in the case dbcontext be requested from none web context
        ConnectionStringNameResolver.ConnectionStringNameFromOptions = applicationOptions.ConnectionStringName;

        return app;

Finally, replace the normal app.AddAspNetIdentity with this:

        app.AddCustomAspNetIdentity<SiteUser>(new ApplicationOptions
            ConnectionStringName = commerceConectionStringName

As I mentioned, this is cumbersome to do. If you know a better way to do, I’m all ear ;).

We are also skipping the case sensitivity part. In most of the cases, it’ll be fine as you are most likely using CI collation instead. But it’s better to be sure than leave it to chance. We will address that in the second part of this blog post.

Speed up catalog routing if you have multiple children under catalog

A normal catalog structure is like this: you have a few high level categories under the catalog, then each high level category has a few lower level categories under it, then each lower level category has their children, so on and so forth until you reach the leaves – catalog entries.

However it is not uncommon that you have multiple children (categories and entries) directly under catalog. Even though that is not something you should do, it happens. 

But that is not without drawbacks. You might notice it is slow to route to a product. It might not be visible to naked eyes, but if you use some decent profilers (which I personally recommend dotTrace), it can be fairly obvious that your site is not routing optimally.


To route to a specific catalog content, for example http://commerceref/en/fashion/mens/mens-shirts/p-39101253/, the default router have to figure out which content is mapped to an url segment. So with default registration where the catalog root is the default routing root, we will start with the catalog which maps to the first part of route (fashion ). How do it figure out which content to route for the next part (mens ) ? 

Until recently, what it does it to call GetChildren on the catalog ContentReference . Now you can see the problem. Even with a cached result, that is still too much – GetChildren with a big number of children is definitely expensive.

We noticed this behavior, thanks to Erik Norberg. An improvement have been made in Commerce 12.10 to make sure even with a number of children directly under Catalog, the router should perform adequately efficient.

If you can’t upgrade to 12.10 or later (you should!), then you might have a workaround that improve the performance. By adding your own implementation of HierarchicalCatalogPartialRouter, you can override how you would get the children content – by using a more lightweight method (GetBySegment)

    public class CustomHierarchicalCatalogPartialRouter : HierarchicalCatalogPartialRouter
        private readonly IContentLoader _contentLoader;

        public CustomHierarchicalCatalogPartialRouter(Func<ContentReference> routeStartingPoint, CatalogContentBase commerceRoot, bool enableOutgoingSeoUri) : base(routeStartingPoint, commerceRoot, enableOutgoingSeoUri)

        public CustomHierarchicalCatalogPartialRouter(Func<ContentReference> routeStartingPoint, CatalogContentBase commerceRoot, bool supportSeoUri, IContentLoader contentLoader, IRoutingSegmentLoader routingSegmentLoader, IContentVersionRepository contentVersionRepository, IUrlSegmentRouter urlSegmentRouter, IContentLanguageSettingsHandler contentLanguageSettingsHandler, ServiceAccessor<HttpContextBase> httpContextAccessor) : base(routeStartingPoint, commerceRoot, supportSeoUri, contentLoader, routingSegmentLoader, contentVersionRepository, urlSegmentRouter, contentLanguageSettingsHandler, httpContextAccessor)
            _contentLoader = contentLoader;

        protected override CatalogContentBase FindNextContentInSegmentPair(CatalogContentBase catalogContent, SegmentPair segmentPair, SegmentContext segmentContext, CultureInfo cultureInfo)
            return _contentLoader.GetBySegment(catalogContent.ContentLink, segmentPair.Next, cultureInfo) as CatalogContentBase;

And then instead of using CatalogRouteHelper.MapDefaultHierarchialRouter , you register your router directly

 var referenceConverter = ServiceLocator.Current.GetInstance<ReferenceConverter>();
            var contentLoader = ServiceLocator.Current.GetInstance<IContentLoader>();
            var commerceRootContent = contentLoader.Get<CatalogContentBase>(referenceConverter.GetRootLink());
            routes.RegisterPartialRouter(new HierarchicalCatalogPartialRouter(startingPoint, commerceRootContent, enableOutgoingSeoUri));

(ServiceLocator is just to make it easier to understand the code. You should do this in an IInitializationModule, so use context.Locate.Advanced instead.

This is applicable from 9.2.0 and newer versions. 

Moral of the story:

  • Catalog structure can play a big role when it comes to performance.
  • You should do profiling whenever you can
  • We do that too, and we make sure to include improvements in later versions, so keeping your website up to date is a good way to tune performance.

Commerce batching performance – part 2: Loading prices and inventories

UPDATE: When looked into it, I realize that I have a lazy loading collection of entry codes, so each test had to spent time to resolve the entry code(s) from the content links. That actually costs quite a lot of time, and therefore causing the performance tests to return incorrect results. That was corrected and the results are now updated.

In previous post we talked about how loading orders in batch can actually improve your website performance, and we came to a conclusion that 1000-3000 orders per batch probably yields the best performance result.

But orders are not the only thing you would need to load on your website. A more common scenario is to load prices and inventories for product. So If you are displaying a product listing page, it’s quite common to load prices and inventories for all products in that page. How should it be loaded?

Continue reading “Commerce batching performance – part 2: Loading prices and inventories”

Speed up your catalog indexing performance – part 2

Almost two years ago I wrote part 1 here: on how to speed up your catalog indexing performance. If you have a fairly big catalog with frequent changes, it might take longer time than necessary to build the index incrementally. (Rebuild index, in other hands, just delete everything and rebuild from scratch, so it is not affected by the long queue in ApplicationLog). I have seen some cases where rebuilding the entire index, is actually faster than waiting for it to build incrementally.

The tip in previous blog post should work very well if you are using anything lower than Commerce 11.6, but that is no longer the case!

Continue reading “Speed up your catalog indexing performance – part 2”

Index or no index, that’s the question

If you do (and you should) care about your Episerver Commerce site performance, you probably know that database access is usually the bottleneck. Allowing SQL Server works smoothly and effectively is a very important key to the great performance.

We are of course, very well aware of this fact, and we have spent a considerable amount of time making sure Commerce database works as fast as we could. Better table schema, better stored procedures, better indexes, … we have done all of that and will continue doing so when we have the chances. (And if you find anything that can be improved, you are very welcome to share your finding with us)

But there are places where the database performance improvement is in your hand.

Continue reading “Index or no index, that’s the question”

Speed up your Catalog incremental indexing

As your products are being constantly updated, you would naturally want them to be properly (and timely) indexed – as that’s crucial to have the search results that would influence your customers into buying stuffs. For example, if you just drop the prices of your products , you would want those products to appear in new price segment as soon as possible.

This should be very easy with Find.Commerce – so if you are using Find (which you should) – stop reading, nothing for you here. Things, however, can be more complicated if you are using the more “traditional” SearchProvider.

Continue reading “Speed up your Catalog incremental indexing”

A curious case of SQL Server function

This time, we will talk about ecfVersion_ListFiltered, again.

This stored procedure was previously the subject of several blog posts regarding SQL Server performance optimizations. When I thought it is perfect (in term of performance), I learned something more.

Recently we received a performance report from a customer asking about an issue after upgrading from Commerce 10.4.2 to Commerce 10.8 (the last version before Commerce 11). The job “Publish Delayed Content Versions” starts to throw timeout exceptions.

This scheduled job calls to a ecfVersion_ListFiltered to load the content versions which are in status DelayedPublish, it looks like this when it reaches SQL Server:

declare @s [udttIdTable]
insert into @s values(6)
exec dbo.ecfVersion_ListFiltered @Statuses = @s, @StartIndex = 0, @MaxRows = 2147483646

This query is known to be slow. The reason is quite obvious – Status contains only 5 or 6 distinct values, so it’s not indexed. SQL Server will have to do a Clustered Index Scan, and if ecfVersion is big enough, it’s inevitably slow.

Continue reading “A curious case of SQL Server function”

Fixing a stored procedure

At Episerver development team, we understand the importance of good performance. Who would not like a lightning fast website? We work hard to ensure the framework is fast, and we seize (almost) every opportunity to make it faster.

You know in Commerce 10.2 we introduced a new cart mode – serializable cart, and it’s proven to bring great performance compared to the “old/traditional” approach. Our own tests showed an improvement of 3-5x times faster. But can it be even faster? Probably yes.

And actually we did some improvements in later versions. In the scope of this blog post, we will just focus into a specific aspect – and to learn a little more about SQL Server performance optimization.

Continue reading “Fixing a stored procedure”

Lessons learned from a “boring” Black Friday

This Black Friday, I was in a task force, ready to help high profile DXC Commerce customers to cope with a peak in traffic. It turned out to be boring – there was no moment I could be a hero and “save the day”. Things went surprisingly smooth, even for websites which were struggling with last Black Friday. I went home and was little dissatisfied, but deep down, I know it was a huge success. The hard work from us (Commerce development team), them (the partner development teams), and Managed Services has been well paid off.

Use the latest version

You have heard me saying this, and you will probably hear from me again: Please, use the latest version possible. There is no reason to stay with an old version. This is a little truth: I hurt a little deep inside whenever I read a question on world asking a question about Commerce 7.5, or even 8.x. You should be using at least 10.8 by now, if not 11.x.

Continue reading “Lessons learned from a “boring” Black Friday”