Optimizing T-SQL COUNT

This is a continuation of my previous post about paging in SQL Server. When it comes to paging, you would naturally want to know the total number of rows satisfying, so you can display some nice, useful information to your end-users.

You would think, well, it’s just a count, and a simple query like this would be enough:


There should be nothing to worry about, right? Actually, there is.

Let’s get back to the example in previous post – we have to count the total number of orders in that big table.

SELECT COUNT(ObjectId) FROM OrderGroup_PurchaseOrder

Because ObjectId is the clustered index of OrderGroup_PurchaseOrder, I did expect it to be use that index and be pretty fast. But does it? To my surprises, no.

Continue reading “Optimizing T-SQL COUNT”

The art of paging

No this is not really “art” – I’m just trying to have a more clickbait title. It’s more about understanding what you have at your disposal and use them for your benefits – in this case – how new SQL statement can drastically improve your performance.

In this blogpost we will look into paging feature of SQL Server. in Commerce we usually work with large set of data – millions of rows are fairly common, and it’s natural to load data by page. There is no point loading thousands, or even millions of rows in one go. First it’s not practical to display all of them. Second you’ll likely end up with an timeout exception and/or an out of memory exception. Even if you are lucky enough to get through, it’s still able to take your SQL Server instance to a knee, and transferring that much data over network will be another bottleneck for your system. So my friends, the best practice for loading data is to do it by batches, and to not load everything at once.

Continue reading “The art of paging”

Fixing a stored procedure

At Episerver development team, we understand the importance of good performance. Who would not like a lightning fast website? We work hard to ensure the framework is fast, and we seize (almost) every opportunity to make it faster.

You know in Commerce 10.2 we introduced a new cart mode – serializable cart, and it’s proven to bring great performance compared to the “old/traditional” approach. Our own tests showed an improvement of 3-5x times faster. But can it be even faster? Probably yes.

And actually we did some improvements in later versions. In the scope of this blog post, we will just focus into a specific aspect – and to learn a little more about SQL Server performance optimization.

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Lessons learned from a “boring” Black Friday

This Black Friday, I was in a task force, ready to help high profile DXC Commerce customers to cope with a peak in traffic. It turned out to be boring – there was no moment I could be a hero and “save the day”. Things went surprisingly smooth, even for websites which were struggling with last Black Friday. I went home and was little dissatisfied, but deep down, I know it was a huge success. The hard work from us (Commerce development team), them (the partner development teams), and Managed Services has been well paid off.

Use the latest version

You have heard me saying this, and you will probably hear from me again: Please, use the latest version possible. There is no reason to stay with an old version. This is a little truth: I hurt a little deep inside whenever I read a question on world asking a question about Commerce 7.5, or even 8.x. You should be using at least 10.8 by now, if not 11.x.

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Please, rebuild your database indexes, now

I will make it quick and to the point: if you are expecting a lot of customers visiting your site tomorrow (and you should) for Black Friday, you should rebuild your database indexes, now.

On average, it will help you to serve more customers and they will be happier with a more responsive, faster website. On best cases it will help prevent catastrophes.

Continue reading “Please, rebuild your database indexes, now”

Read only Catalog UI – part 1


A while back, we had this question on World. It’s not uncommon to update the catalog data by an external system, mostly from a PIM – Product information management system. In such cases, it might not make senses to enable editing in Catalog UI. You might need the new UI for the other parts, such as Marketing UI, but you wouldn’t want the editors to accidentally update the product information – because those would be lost, anyway.

Is there away to do it? Yes, there is.

Continue reading “Read only Catalog UI – part 1”

Beware of IContentLoader.GetChildren() for CatalogContent

This is more of a self-to-note.

If you are using IContentLoader.GetChildren<T>(ContentReference), one important thing to remember is this uses the current preferred language. Normally when you get children of a catalog, or a node, that would not be a problem, because a catalog entity – node or entry, will be available in every language supported by the catalog. So if you just want to get the children references, the language is not important. (Note that, if you just need the children references, IRelationRepository should be a faster, more lightweight way to go, but that’s another story). If you want to get children in a specific language – which is the most common case, you know that you can use the other overload of GetChildren<T>(ContentReference, ILanguageSelector) , where you can specify the language you want to load.

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Super charged Episerver Commerce performance

Well, that was the title of my talk at the last week Meetup in Lund – hosted by Avensia. My first time in Lund – it is a very beautiful (small) city. It was a very nice event with about thirty developers from inside and outside Avensia, and I hope I did give some good information to make your Commerce solutions faster!

Then it comes to my attention that some of you might be interested in the talk. Unfortunately I don’t think the talk was recorded (I’d have been famous on Youtube!), but here’s the slides from the talk:

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A curious case of SQL execution plan, part 2

Recently I wrote about how to look into, identify and solve the problem with a SQL Server execution plan – as you can read here: http://vimvq1987.com/curious-case-sql-execution-plan/

I have some more time to revisit the query now, and I realized I made a “small” mistake. The “optimized” query is using a Clustered Index Scan

So it’s not as fast as it should be, and it will perform quite poorly in no cache scenario (when the buffer is empty, for example) – it takes about 40s to complete. Yes it’s still better than the original one, both in non cached and cached cases. But it’s not good enough. An index scan, even cached, is not only slower, but also more prone to deadlocks. It’s also worse in best case scenario, when the original one can use the proper index seek.

Continue reading “A curious case of SQL execution plan, part 2”

A curious case of SQL execution plan

I said this already, and I will say it again: SQL Server optimizer is smart. I can even go further and say, it’s smarter than you and me (I have no doubt that you are smart, even very, very smart 🙂 ). So most of the cases, you leave it to do whatever it thinks is the best.

But there are cases SQL Server optimizer is fooled by the engine – it gets confused and chooses an sub-optimal plan, because it was given wrong, outdated, or incorrect information. That’s when you need to step in.

Today I face one case like that, as reported here: http://world.episerver.com/forum/developer-forum/Episerver-Commerce/Thread-Container/2017/10/database-timeout-on-productvariant-update/

Continue reading “A curious case of SQL execution plan”